Empowering Vancouver's Local Businesses

Custom Hand-Coded Websites Starting at $149/Month

Elevate your business with a mobile-optimized, SEO-friendly website tailored to your unique needs. At Arbutus Web Design, we specialize in creating custom websites that captivate your audience and drive results. Join our growing list of satisfied clients. Limited Time Offer – Act Now!

Our Expertise

Digital Solutions to Elevate Your Online Presence

At Arbutus Web Design, we construct powerful digital presences optimized to elevate your brand and drive business growth. Our approach focuses on premium design, conversion-oriented strategy, and unbeatable value pricing.

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    Better Design

    Transform your brand with cutting-edge designs that ensure an exceptional first impression and user experience across all devices. Our modern, mobile-responsive websites elevate your online presence for maximum impact.

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    Better Value

    Get a website that works as hard as you do. Our conversion-focused designs guide visitors smoothly through your marketing funnel, boosting qualified leads and sales. Leverage SEO best practices for increased visibility in search.

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    Better Pricing

    Launch your professional website today with no large upfront costs. Our flexible monthly pricing helps manage your budget while we construct a high-converting online presence tailored for growth.

Our Pricing

Simple, Transparent Pricing

Dive into the digital world with zero upfront costs. Our standard 5-page small business website package covers everything from your homepage to contact us page, with custom pricing available for additional requirements.

  • Lump Sum $3500
    Hot Deal
    • 5 Page
    • 2 - 4 Week Delivery
    • $25/month Hosting
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The Arbutus Web Design Advantage

Digital Partnership, Not Just Web Design

Choosing Arbutus Web Design means gaining more than just a new website - you're getting a long-term digital partner invested in the success of your entire online presence. At Arbutus Web Design, we go beyond just building websites - we're committed to becoming an extension of your team and a partner invested in your long-term online success. Our comprehensive web design and development solutions are strategically crafted to elevate your brand presence, attract more traffic, and ultimately drive more sales and revenue for your business.

  • Websites That Sell

    More than just beautiful designs, our websites are built as sales engines. Using strategic calls-to-action, guided user funnels, and conversion rate optimization, we construct online presences laser-focused on turning visitors into customers and boosting your bottom line.

  • Google-Friendly Sites

    In today's digital landscape, getting found online is everything. Our expertise in search engine optimization (SEO) ensures your website follows best practices for maximum visibility in Google's search results. This increased exposure translates into more qualified traffic and sales opportunities.

  • Hassle-Free Partnership

    From design through launch and beyond, we take a consultative partnership approach to make the process seamless. No technical jargon, just clear communication focused on understanding your business goals. We handle everything so you can stay focused on running your company.

  • Dedicated Support Team

    You have a direct line to our team of web professionals, whenever you need us. Get personalized support, collaborate on ideas, or quickly implement updates to maintain a high-converting website optimized for driving results. We're just a call or email away.

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Our Process

A Streamlined Path to Online Success


Choose a Package

Pick the perfect plan for your business needs, with options designed to fit various budgets and goals.


We Get to Work

Our team gets to work, crafting your site with attention to design, usability, and SEO.


Customers Roll In

Watch as your new website attracts and converts visitors into loyal customers.



We explore your business goals, target audience, and necessary website functionalities in detail.


Site Goes Live

We smoothly transition your fully tested and approved website from concept to live presence.

About Arbutus Web Design

Hello and Welcome!

I'm Daniyal, the founder of Arbutus Web Design. With an engineering degree from the University of British Columbia and several years of impactful tech industry experience, my primary goal is to support businesses in navigating and succeeding in the digital landscape. That’s why I founded Arbutus Web Design—to offer services that are more personalized and supportive than typical large agencies. Whether you're building a brand new venture or enhancing an established one, my goal is to perfect your digital platform.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • We custom code everything, avoiding page builders. This ensures faster load times, better Google rankings, mobile optimization, and designs that convert visitors into customers. We also offer copywriting for engaging, keyword-rich content.

  • Page builders generate bulky, unnecessary code, slowing down the site and affecting SEO. WordPress themes and plugins can add unnecessary bloat and pose security risks. Hand-coded websites have cleaner, more efficient code, improving load times, performance, and user experience, while being virtually impenetrable due to a lack of entry points. They also stand out from the competition.

  • Our standard delivery time is 2-4 weeks, depending on the complexity and size of the website.

  • Absolutely! Our plans start with a 5-page website, and additional pages can be added for $100 each.

  • If you're not happy with the initial design, we'll continue to make revisions based on your input until you're 100% satisfied.

  • Yes, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

  • We offer two pricing options: monthly and lump sum. The choice is yours, depending on your budget and preferences.

    Monthly Plan: This option allows you to start with a lower upfront cost. It includes additional benefits such as constant updates, unlimited edits, 24/7 support, and ongoing maintenance. There is a minimum commitment of 12 months to help us cover our costs while providing you with comprehensive services. Additionally, by choosing the monthly plan, you essentially have a web developer in your pocket, ready to assist you whenever needed.

    Lump Sum Plan: Pay a one-time fee for the entire project. This option is ideal if you prefer to make a single payment and handle updates and maintenance on your own.

  • You can cancel anytime after the 12-month minimum contract, no questions asked. We'll cancel future payments and take your website offline. If we registered your domain name, we'll transfer ownership to you.

  • The 12-month minimum contract ensures that your website has enough time to gain traction and show results in search rankings. It typically takes 6-12 months for Google to properly rank a new site, so this period is crucial for seeing the full benefits of our services.

Don’t see the answer you need?

No problem. Just send us a message, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Get in Touch

Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to creating exceptional designs that captivate and inspire. Reach out to us to see how we can make a lasting impact on your brand.

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